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Your game looks very cool. I used to play a lot of these types of games

Please add fucking card options


Can we please get horses and horse stuff too ?? 🥹

Here we are! "Piworld" game, which used full assets from shubidubi are on Steam right now! Check it!

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I made a game with this asset set (and others from shubibubi). Thank you, couldn't have done it without you! [fixed typo]

Thank you for your production!this assets very nice .

PayPal is unable to make payment

that is not his problem that is's problem


Not sure if you are aware but someone has all your packs on a GitHub repo that’s open to public.

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@shubibubi your buildings.png is 1 pixel too short at 1503 instead of 1504 meaning that some of the windmill is cut off in godot engine

Can I use the assets of these collections in 3d printed, cards, teddy bears, etc in the future if my game succeed? will i be allowed to sell this physical goods?

(1 edit)

Tomatos have an offset for sprite 5 and 6 ;(

Great work! ♥️ I've bought all of your assets for my new project. 

There's only one thing I've been missing: Do you think about drawing a horse? I would kill for a ridable horse. No problem if it would be in a extra paid package. 😇

i'm making the biggest project with this assets, and also drawing my own (added new animations, textures and etc). If you interested in getting this, type me to gmail:

Bought this one and the character one and just wanted to say thank you so much for these awesome assets!! I'm positive I'm gonna buy the rest of them, too! Awesome job you did there! ^^

Nice work! Any chance that you may add card payment methods, please? 

Think you very meach for you assets is beauitful and free

I cant for the life of me figure out why some of the sprites in tiles.png are duplicated :(

I noticed most are shadow/no-shadow versions... bushes, rocks, wood fences, etc.  But I cant find any differences between the 6 chest sprites and the 2 stone wall sets.  All appear in the spring "column" for reference.  And why are they (the walls) not duplicated in the winter section? 

This pack had precisely everything I needed and then some to create a casual farm themed puzzle game for a hobby project. Thanks for all your hard work on this!

Hi ! I want to find my way back to programming. So thanks for making this pack. Thanks for making it easier me to start a project and learn that way.

I wish you the best ! <3


Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I'm making a game using this superb asset.

I'd be glad if you'd like to check it out: Farming Story

Thank you!


Can you add new payment methods? Paypal does not work in my country


i worck for a big project pls give me the full version for free and i will make i about page for you

am i okay to use this so i can learn how to make a farming sim

I've been using your sets for a hobby project and I was wondering if you take on any commissions and how much you charge for it. Please let me know.


Is there anymore plans for this series? I would love to have some more monster type characters. Any and all would be appreciated!

Hey there, I would like to chat about purchasing your asset packs. Do you have an email address I could contact you at?


Hey! I really love the style of this!

I bought this set to make a small private farming game on iPad for my kids, and the tiles in this just really go easy on the eyes. Also, I like that this set is just "complete" - there's everything in there that I needed.

Great work, I appreciate the effort!

Hello! Just to let you know that we have used and modified part of your free asset for Godot Wild Jam #57 entry "Reclaim!".

Thanks for sharing your work! We also shared our original designs here along with the modified assets, trying to credit everyone properly. Cheers!

(1 edit) (-1)

Great packs. I have purchased all of them at this point. I do have one question however. How come there's no eating, hurt, and dying animations for the animals?? Would it be possible to add them?

I would love that too.


Cute assets!

I'm having a problem where when I put part of a building or something down, another part of a different building is placed down with it. I'm using RPGMaker MV and help would be appreciated because this pack is super cool and I'd love to use it.

Cute little farm pack, the muted colors really give this quie a unique look. Love the dedication to this, always nice to see others working on huge series of asset packs.


(1 edit) (-4)

Shubi, are you aware someone has made a physical commercial board game with your assets?  Just wanted to make sure you were aware and okay with it!

Shubi said that it can be used with anything so I don't see why not, honestly even if she wasn't okay with it, that doesn't change the license to use these assets that the creator of the board game bought, and if they didn't purchase it from Shubi then thats a different problem, but this was bought with a license stating "This asset pack can be used in any commercial or non commercial project, you may modify the assets as you wish  This asset pack can't be resold or redistributed even if modified" I know that last part might seem like a deal breaker but if you look at what it's saying then you'll realize that's not what's happening, the creater of the board game made their own property using the assets and are well within their right, and licenses cannot be changed after date of purchase as that is what both the buyer and seller agreed upon.

Shubi, I've created an online game with these assets. I would like to commission some more. Can you please reach out to me on Discord? JayBeKay#2405


Can you share discord name please for payment, I cant use paypal in my country.

Are the animals only in front view? Or are there others views?

the animals have 4 directional movement

I hope its ok to share a little video of what I have been doing with the Cozy Farm assets.

CozyFarm Game Preview

This pack is awesome! I'm wondering if it's possible to use it as part of an open source project? I am wondering specifically because the license states that it cannot be redistributed, but for us to develop it in the open we would have to (technically) have the sprites in the github.

If this is something you are open to considering, please give me some way to contact you in private :)

I am Beefy_Swain#0356 on Discord if that works for you.

Hi, I'm also wondering about this issue. Did you get any reply from Shubi?

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