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Beautiful asset pack. Used it in my game:

The “Sad Zombie” movie is money. So short but so deep.

nice work

I love your work!!!!

I want to get in touch with u.

here's my email :D or share yours if you want

i'm making the biggest project with this assets, and also drawing my own (added new animations, textures and etc). If you interested in getting this, type me to gmail:

How can I pay other than Paypal ?

Love your assets! I think a Cozy Cooking asset pack would be cool too :)


Love the art work. I have a brilliant idea for a game and i would love to support you buy purchasing these assets.

BUT!!! I can't do so because paypal is not supported in my country nore is it a fun process to use. PLEAAAASSSSEE!!! Use Stripe instead!

If you would be so amazing and get stripe, everyone would love to support you and get them all. Including me!


Love the style, Downloaded the free packs and I love them.
I am just starting with game development and it would be great if you could make a bundle with all 7 packs with 1 purchase.
It would also be nice if you saved maybe like 5 bucks on buying all of them at once.
Anyways love you art style, great work

Would you consider taking any commissions? I am working on a large-scale project with a team and absolutely love your style.


Can you create a bundle with all your assets in it? 1 purchase versus 7 would be great!

Perdona Shubi, compre el Cozy People, estan todos desnudos, con que programa montas los personajes, ropa, pelo, etc?

Hey, are you going to do a full pack sale with all your assets in a bundle?

Hi! I'm working on my first game and this question might sound silly but how are we supposed to split up sprite sheets like this one where assets are different sizes? I can only find auto-tilers but that doesn't always work when the buildings are much bigger than the lamp post, for example. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but I'd love some quick tips if you have any!

Hey Shubi! Just wanted to say I absolutely love your assets. My full-release fishing game has been a hit, and everyone is loving it. Would love for you to check it out too! Fisher's Qualm on Steam (


What is this bull, the free version does'nt even have grass in it, disappointed very disapppointed.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey! Cozy Farms free version features grass, hope that helps.

Ok, thanks!

Wow, all of this art is so good. And I don't just mean this pack. Any chance we will see a UI pack soon? Maybe even an enemy pack?

Hey, I love your stuff, I was just wondering if you accepted commissions and how much that would be? I just have a custom thing that I'm looking for and I want it to fit in with the rest of my assets from you. Thank you for your work :) 

(1 edit)

Would be useful to have Hoe and seed planting animation for the people pack, key for farming games . Please take my moneys.

Could you accept credit card? PLS

Is SUPAM company in reference to Pam's HarvestCraft?  :)

I decided on SUPAM because of super market -> supam.

Love your packs, I have bought them all! Would love to see more animals with animations please!

do u have social media like fb, ig for contact? i really like ur assets

Are you planning more movies?

Hey! I do want to make more movies, but I have other packs planned first and don't want to promise a date. I'm sure implementing all the things from this pack will take a while anyway!

Great content as always. I'm glad to have in my library these superb stuff. Thank you!

Happy to hear you like it! And thanks for your nice comment

Great, finally a new material.

I purchased your other asset packs before.

I would like to ask if you can make a single image of the buildings in the Cozy Farm Assets Pack, now the buildings are mixed with tiles. :)

I originally wanted to cut them out in PS, but I don't know the exact size

Hey! Do you mean to crop each building individually? I don't have that planned but each building (for each season) has a gif version, maybe you could use that? Hope that helps!

Yes, that's what I do now.

Since I don't know the exact size of each building, I can only use the gif version instead.

Ok, and is there a way for you to see the gif size? Because that's also the size of the building! If not let me know and I'll have a look at the sizes.

Two of the examples:

house_player.gif : 64 x 80 px

door_player.gif : 16x 32 px

Is this the correct size?

This is amazing, will buy a license for this one for sure, i've been developing a project with your amazing assets, and this is truly going to give up some life to it. Btw, which format do these have? will you ever update your tileset assets to be compatible with the autotile format of rpg maker vx (?) i really need them in this format due to the engine i'm using (is not rpg maker, it just uses this format).


All of my assets are always PNGs. I don't think I will make RPG maker specific ones, sorry! Hope you can make the ones provided work!

Oh my gosh you really went all out I cant even!!! This is really incredible I wasnt expecting this!

Aw! Happy to hear you enjoy the pack!

Hello I really want the cozy people pack but I dont have a paypal account. Can I pay by credit card? Thank you

At the moment I can only accept paypal, sorry!

I waited a long time for update cpzy people asset pack

Hey! I promise I'm working on that too!


I'm already making a game with your other cozy assets and I was thinking "it would be perfect to have a library and a run-down interior and a train, but that's okay I will make due without them", and them BAM! You come out with this AMAZING new pack. I'm buying it right away. So excited to use these new assets.

Aw! Glad to hear, hope you have fun!

I'll be coming back for the full version once I'm paid!


Just wake up and see this coming! Nice pack btw

Thank you!

That animated zombie movie is something else, definitely the first time I’ve seen that done

HOLY F***ING S**T!  This is awesome!

Haha, glad you enjoy it that much!

this looks awesome!!

Thank you!

Sweet can't wait to get this when I get home!

Happy to hear!