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(1 edit) (+1)

Download button pls T_T

(1 edit)

hi :D when will the download work again? great work btw :D


Why is there no download button?


Hey! Today is a huge update, then the button will be back!

Ok, thanks! I'll be waiting

Super excited for the update to be released! <3

Hello! I've been trying to match up the season tiles in `all tiles.png` to the file names for the same tiles in `autotiles (GM2layout)` and it looks like the summer tiles are missing from `all tiles.png`.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey! I just had a look at "all tiles png" and they are right under the spring tiles, then to the right are the fall tiles and the bottom has winter! In "autotile_all" they are the second row.

I actually labelled them and then realised I was going crazy haha. Sorry!


No worries!

Ah yeah this is what was throwing me off: each season has six *_auto.png files but all tiles.png has five rows of tiles for each season.

Yes, that is because the GM2 auto tile feature requires 16 tiles to work (with one being transparent) so if you look closely you can see that there are two diagonal tiles that aren't in the normal tiles.

(1 edit)

Ah that's not what I mean!

In the autotiles folder you have, for spring:

so six different spring tilesets.
In `all tiles.png` you have what looks like from the top down

spring grass transparent
spring grass dirt
spring grass soil
spring water

But between what you just said and from staring at all of these files now, I'm guessing that the extra tiles that exist in `all tiles.png` are doing the same job as the extra files in the autotiles folder?

If you can't tell I've never used GM2 (I'm using Godot) and am new to this so thank you for your patience :D

(1 edit)
Hello, I like your asset package very much and I want to buy it, but I cannot pay with paypal because I am in Turkey. Paypal is prohibited in Turkey. Can I pay in another way?

Topluluk Tarafından Doğrulandı simgesi

For now I only accept paypal, but I will accept other options in the future. Sorry!

I hope you do it soon. I will be waiting

Hi! I buy all your packs of assets to do a game.

Can you do a new pack of trees and nature only?

Thanks you for did this incredible job :D

Glad you enjoy my packs! I'm currently working on the next pack, which will have a few nature sprites. A pack with only trees and nature is not planned, sorry!

Oh! I will wait your new pack impatiently.

No problem, thanks you for the answer! :D

Hello, also bought 2 packs from you. Awesome work! Will this new pack contains flying bird going down on the ground? :)

There will be a seagull, but not going down to the ground.

I tried out the free version of this pack and liked it so much I paid for the full version of this, the interior pack, and the people pack. Really fantastic work, I can tell a lot of time went into them! 

Thanks! Yes pixel art can be time consuming but I think it's worth it in the end :)

Do you do commissions, or have you considered doing so? I have a small project which your style would be perfect for, but I need some custom sprite sheets. 

Yes I do! Would be best to discuss over Discord, can you leave me your Discord ID?

Spiggie#0311, send me a message and we can talk over a few details :)

Are you sure you got that right? It says that either capitalization, spelling or number is incorrect.

Can I somehow pay with my steam money? I want to buy all three packs.

No sorry!

What asset pack are you planning to release next? Will it be another "Cozy" themed compatible pack? I could use Cozy Cave/Dungeon tileset pack


Hey! As people seem to enjoy the Cozy Packs I've decided to release more of them. Currently I am working on the next one, I can't say much about it for now, but it's not dungeon themed.

I did consider a dungeon/mine tile set but I haven't decided on it yet.


Whatever it is, I'll buy it!

Deleted 2 years ago

i made my own cave tileset  

I would really like to buy this, but I cannot use PayPal :(


Do you accept other payment methods?

No, maybe I will at some point. I will def. look into it, sorry!

Nevertheless, I found a way to buy your pack, and I don’t regret the effort spent on it, it’s wonderful!

So happy you figured something out and enjoy the pack!

Hello! I'm very interested in purchasing the full version (along with the interior and people pack in full) but I wanted to confirm the tiles sizes are all 16x16? I use RPG Maker MV and it requires 48x48, so I am curious how these tiles look scaled up before I purchases haha

All TILES are 16x16, but not all sprites are. So grass, water, cliffs, fences, crops are 16x16 but the buildings are not made out of tiles, the characters are 20x16 and come in a 32x32 layout and trees are 32x32 for example. 

The furniture is the same as in it is based on 16x16. So the flooring is 16x16 but wallpapers 32x16 or a rug can be 48x32

Every pack has a free version, so I would go ahead and try that first if I were you.

can you please make some tutorial on using these tiles on godot, i tried to use it on godot, and when i combined inside 1 season, i got weird stuff

nevermind, got it now XD

is it possible to get the ui.png seperated into into individual images? or some x y width height info to properly cut it apart?

I can include a cut up version with the next update!

(1 edit)

that would be great! When would the next update be?

That I don't know yet, sorry!


I need some guidance with the tileset.  I can see the ruby, diamond, emerald, iron, copper and gold but what are the ones just to the right of them?

Hey! The top two are shells and the bottom two are mushrooms!

(1 edit)

Ah! I see it now!  What about the ones around the log?

Stone, 2 trash items (water bottle and plastic pack rings)

Ah I see!  Nice touch!  I will have to use those

This is such beautiful and inspired work!

Thank you!

Is there a preferred Game Dev engine for these assets?

I included autotiles with a GM2 layout, other than that every engine should work.


Hey, I got the pack but later on I read that the characters are not included, this is a bit of a bummer for me. How long do you think it will take for the character pack to come out? It is kinda silly that they are not included in my opinion.


The character pack still needs some work, I can't promise a date, but let you know that I am currently working on the last details.

Everything included in my asset packs will always be listed in the description.

These cozy packs are incredible! I'm excited to use this and the cozy interior set in my upcoming farming game. Thank you for doing such great work!

Thanks! Glad you enjoy the pack and can't wait to see the projects people make!

(4 edits) (+1)

I am looking for the characters on the images?

Will be a separate asset pack, coming out soon.

I'm gonna wait on You

thank you so much ! i love your work

I know it's been four days but have you made any progress on the character sprites? I'm still working on the systems in game maker with shapes lol. You should create a forum or discord for the updates, I can't wait.

Hey! I am working on the last details at the moment. Sorry it takes a bit longer but I just want everything to look great!

Hi I just bought this pack and plan to use it in my game. I am using rpg maker MV but the tiles do not import properly. Do I have to do anything special to make the tileset work properly?


Hey! I'm not familiar with rpg maker, but I googled real quick and this guide seems to explain it well

Hi I want to buy this asset but I don't have a paypal account and stick to using giftcards like visa to buy things online. Any chance you could edit the price thing so it's possible to pay?

If it isn't possible I understand.

Hey! Sorry you aren't able to get  the pack. At the moment I can only accept paypal. It's unsure if I will ever accept other payments, but I will look into it.

Nice ☺️ 


Nice asset but why 3dollars reduce to 2 plz


Not okay man, this pack is worth far more than the price.  Don't undervalue peoples work.


Sorry if that hurt sir I really value your art 

What's your engine

LoL I was thinking "how is this so cheap". The price is totally worth it

By the way i forgot how you want to be credited in the games credits?

just a link to my profile would be nice! (

Okay will do once NPC's and Player sprites get added i shall work on my project

when will npc and players be added?

Hello! Player and NPC sprites are in the making, I hope to release them this month, but since animations can take a bit longer I don't want to promise anything. 
They will not be added to this pack but come in a separate one in the same price range.

so for me it will be $3.99 USD?

Hi there! I think your packs are incredible. Do you by any chance accept commissions in this style and if so what are your prices?

Yes I do commissions, if you tell me your discord ID or email address we can discuss pricing since it depends on what sprites you're interested in.

Hi, my email is . I want some more crops and flowers (and you can also add them to your assets pack).

Amazing pack! I was wondering if you're willing to add some unity scenes with example levels in there. I am willing to pay for that aswell.

Hey there! Sadly I don't know anything about unity. All I know is how to make scenes in GM2 because that's how I tested the tile set. Sorry to disappoint and I hope you can find a nice layout for your project.

Deleted 2 years ago

Hi there, I just started working with your assets and love them all. I was wondering if you could also added dry/wet soil for crops?

(2 edits)

Hey! Glad you enjoy the pack. For now no new tiles are planned as I am currently working on character sprites. I might add it in the future, I just don't want to promise it for now!

Thank you for the updates!! They are perfect ♥️


So happy you like the inventory! I'm uploading another update today, more NPC homes and a silo.


Wow thank you!! I can't wait 😁😁

so I have an idea and wonder if you could possibly add it to the package. I want like a dirt sprite or something where the slimes can spawn out of. Make an animation where  it looks like something just came from underground. 

More animations and unique tiles are not planned for now, sorry!

Well if you ever plan on it I would be willing to pay more, I'm not very artistic.

It will not let me pay with card only paypal so I cant buy it sad face

Yes, I can only accept paypal for now, sorry!

I just bought this pack and tried auto tile on gms2. When I insert it from left to right, top to bottom it doesn't work (the blank tile first). When I do it opposite it does work but doesn't look right. Is it supposed to be like this

(3 edits)

Hey! Whenever you upload a sprite sheet to GM2 the top left corner has to be transparent. Because of that you have to select the last tile first, then the first grass tile (top left) go through all the grass tiles and lastly the transparent one. Hope that helps!

Thanks, appreciate it. Is there a master auto tile image? I think it would be easier to create them all from one so you don't have to keep creating tile layers.

has been added with todays update

Just stumbled on this asset pack and instantly downloaded it. It's gorgeous! As you are expanding the pack, it would be great to see some indoor items to create indoor scenes too. 

(1 edit)

Glad you enjoy the pack. I just finished working on an interior asset pack, same style and price range. I'm currently setting up the page for it. It will release on Friday.

Edit: Thursday

Just got it, it's amazing, thank you so much!

Hello, love your work. I'm currently developing a visual novel, but will hopefully be able to begin work on an rpg as a personal project in the relatively near future. I will shortly be purchasing this tileset to use in the project. 

I know this is a bit vague, would you be interested in a commission designing some unique environments as well as some small character sprites based on concept art? There is no rush in replying. My current project is still taking all my time and likely will until the fall.

Hey! Thanks for the nice words. Could you tell me your discord ID or email address? is my main one. I will be setting up another one to use for most communications about my gaming projects shortly. Honestly I've been so focused on finishing art assets for my current project, I have only had time to speculate about promotion.

ok got it!

Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you for letting me know! I will fix this issue. The next update will be up on monday. And those are great suggestions!

Hello. I'm developing a game.

If I buy this pack, can I use the graphic commercially?

yes you absolutely can!

This is amazing。i'am wating for others

could i use this pack for youtube videos or no. It will be used for tutorial videos. but ill wait to know if i can or cant

yes you can!

I'm also getting an issue with paypal when trying to buy this. 

sorry about the issue, it was on my end and is now resolved. 

Yep, works fine now, thank you. Looks great!

I'm trying very hard to buy this pack, but keeps giving me some weird paypal error. Is it possible to pay you a different way to be able to download this pack?

hello! very sorry about the issue, it is now resolved.

Works now, thanks!

Loving this so much! While I wait for you to release characters I'm using the bunny as my main character... and not gonna lie, I'm kindof obsessed! 😍 

It would be super nice if you added some inventory stuff to your UI collection! Like some item slots, maybe a hot bar or menu or something like that. Just an idea 😁 

Great work!!

Thank you so much! I am a bit behind on the updates as I was working on an interior pack, but an inventory is planned!

(1 edit)

Yay thank you!! Keep up the good work 😊 

(a dialogue box ui would be awesome too if you ever have the time!)

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